Custom Design and Manufacture
Custom Design & Manufacture – Ø1550 Head. A new Ø1550 head was built and commissioned for the project. All components were designed and manufactured in-house by Pezzimenti LaserboreTM. After commissioning, the head achieved production up to 45m per day in the shale.
Transporting Spoil by Auger and Bucket Elevator
The spoil was transported back along the bore by an enclosed auger system and lifted to the surface by a bucket elevator. After a breakdown 10m from the end, the bore was completed using the intercept method from the upstream end.
Pouring a thrust block behind the jacking frame.
Equipment around the shaft. Cranage was be excavator.
Bucket elevator feeding the dump truck.
Overall view of site. The ground conditons were dry enabling the spoil to be removed with minimal water input.