Project Specifications
The Northwest Growth Centre is a combination of woodland, vegetable gardens and residential acreage. All this is changing as these areas are being developed for prime residential use to help meet Sydney’s chronis housing shortage.
Protecting Aboriginal Heritage.
Microtunnelling was the preferred method of construction as there are areas of significant Aboriginal Heritage. The longest microtunnel of 192m took a total of 20 days
Steel Casing being craned into position ready to lower into the shaft.
On-site Spoil Disposal. Emptying the spoil from V3 into a simple bunded area
The steel casing is considered to be part of the temporary works for the microtunnelling process. It’s prime function is to provide continuous ground support during microtunnelling.
View along the alignment of the microtunnel from the exit shaft end.
View along the route of one microtunnel. The farm dam was adjacent to the microtunnel alignment
Free Pipe by Freebore Method
Length. 68m
Diameter. 430
Ground. Saturated Clay / Sand /Gravel
Casing Pipe. 406 Steel
Carrier Pipe. 225 PVC
Free Pipe by Freebore Method
Length. 124m
Diameter. 630
Ground. Saturated Clayey Sand / Gravel
Casing Pipe. 610 Steel
Carrier Pipe. 450 PP
Pipe in a Pipe by Pipejack Method
Length. 192m
Diameter. 630
Ground. Saturated Clayey Sand / Gravel
Casing Pipe. 610 Steel
Carrier Pipe. 450 PP
Pipe in a Pipe by Pipejack Method
Length. 101m
Diameter. 530
Ground. Saturated Clayey Sand / Gravel
Casing Pipe. 508 Steel
Carrier Pipe. 300 PP