Cord Civil commisioned Pezzimenti Tunnelbore to install sewer for a  total of 446m. The 10 microtunnels were completed in built up residential areas with plenty of trees.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Freebore in Self Supporting Ground
Downer ACTPezzimenti Microtunneling Length Diameter Ground Carrier Pipe

Capability and favourable ground reduces design cost

Past experience in the area suggested the clay was quite stiff and would be temporarily self-supporting while the pipe was being inserted (approx 2 days) prior to grouting. This meant that the steel sleeve casing, which was included in the original design, was not required which significantly reduced time and project cost. As the bores were relatively short the risk was minimal, given the favourable ground conditions.

4m x 2m shaft capability ensured minimal impact

Only one bore required steel sleeve, as a leaky water main adjacent made the ground saturated and the roof of the bore fretted falling onto the drilling rod – blocking the laser. Being 375 and 430 bores meant that Pezzimenti could fit into smaller shafts – 4m long by 2m wide which was beneficial in the built up area with adjacent services and footpaths. The modular nature of the Pezzimenti Tunnelbore equipment minimised impact on parkland environments and the community.

Downe ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Map of All Bores

The map of 446 metres of microtunneling completed across 10 tunnels.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Looking down Swinden Street to Microtunnel 2, 3, and 4

Looking down Swinden street towards microtunnel 2, 3 and 4.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Micortunneling Drilling loading Drill Rod

Driller loads a drill rod onto the jacking frame.

Downer ACT Hook truck and Gantry Truck Setup next to road

Gantry and Vacuum Truck setup adjacent to road at Pit 8.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Top Man Cranes drill rods into shaft

Top man lowering drill rod to thaft using Gantry winch.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Loading drill rods

Driller commences drilling after loading a drill rod

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Completed Microtunnels on Swinden Street

Completed Microtunnels on Swinden Street – Pits 2, 3, 4, 5

Downer ACT Pezzimenti microtunneling Carrier Pipe in the shaft

UPVC Carrier Pipe sliplined into completed microtunnel and at rest.

Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling looking down into shaft

PVC Carrier Pipe sliplined into completed microtunnel and at rest

Downer ACT Constructed Manhole after Microtunneling completed

Progress of manholes after microtunnelling completed.


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Microtunneling Pipe in a Pipe
Pipe in a Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 46.5m
Diameter.  430
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  408 Steel
Carrier Pipe.  300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free Pipe
Free Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 60m
Diameter.  375
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe. None
Carrier Pipe.  300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free Pipe
Free Pipe by Pipejack Method

Length. 82
Diameter.  375
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free Pipe
Free Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 26m
Diameter.  375
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 56m
Diameter.  375
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 47m
Diameter.  375
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe. 300 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 18m
Diameter.  470
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe. None
Carrier Pipe.  375 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 52m
Diameter.  470
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  375 uPVC

Length. 52m
Diameter.  470
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  375 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 40m
Diameter.  440
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  375 uPVC


Downer ACT Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Microtunneling Method Free PipeFree Pipe by Freebore Method

Length. 18m
Diameter.  440
Ground.  Clay
Casing Pipe.  None
Carrier Pipe.  375 uPVC

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